Mini Station

South Street Mini Station

South Street Police Mini Station

The mini station is a volunteer managed substation that supports the day-to-day operations of the South Street Police Detail.

It offers the necessary facilities for officers such as locker rooms, facilities for paperwork, bike storage, roll call, and other needs.

In addition, the mini station also serves a number of community uses.


  • Hub for Bella Vista newsletter delivery and redistribution throughout the neighborhood.
  • Location of ancillary equipment used by town watch and other community efforts as needed.
  • Focal point for annual community-led National Night Out.
  • Pick-up location for no-parking signs, for those moving in and out of the neighborhood.
  • Destination for filling out in person police reports that is much more walkable to our neighborhoods.
  • Drop off point for various drives, such as winter clothing drives and annual toy drive for area charities.

Together with the other civic associations such as QVNA, we help coordinate the needs of the mini station, which receives no city funding, by applying for state grants.    To learn more, please visit The Friends of the South Street Police Mini-Station webpage.

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