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BVNA Zoning Committee Meeting – December 9, 2014, 7:30 pm

Bella Scott • December 5, 2014

Tuesday, December 9, 2014, 7:30pm
Palumbo Recreation Center (10th & Fitzwater)

735-37 Pemberton Street – Revisit

Request : The application is for the relocation of a lot line to create one (1) lot from two lots (735 and 737 Pemberton) and for the demolition of all structures on the lots. The application is also for the erection of a single‐family dwelling, attached structure 40’7″ feet high, with one deck on the second floor at the rear and another deck on the fourth floor with a pilot house (for access only). The application includes a two (2) car parking garage accessed by a side street.

Refused for the following : The proposed addition and use application generated 3 refusals:

1. Open area proposed is 15.9% of the lot. 20% (241.4 square feet) are required.

2. Rear yard depth proposed is 0 ft, while 9 feet is required.

3. Height of structure proposed is 40’7”, while 38.0” is allowable.

609 S 11th Street

Request:  The application is for the creation of an additional deck on the third floor roof-top elevation.  Deck will be accessed by an existing pilot house.

Refused for the following:  The proposed roof top setback is 1 ft.  Required is 5 ft.

624 Delhi Street

Request:  The application is for the demolition of a 1st floor rear addition and erection of a rear addition with a deck on the first floor and a roof deck on the third floor level of an existing attached structure.

Refused for the following:

  1. Minimum open area proposed is 7.32% (36.25 sq ft).  30% is required.
  2. Rear yard depth proposed is 3 ft.  5ft/9ft are required.
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