Bella Vista Neighbors Association is working with the Planning Commission to remap Bella Vista’s zoning, and we need to hear from you.
The survey is not binding in any way – it’s just an initial exercise to take the neighborhood’s temperature on some of the key issues that will be decided over the next year, and help us focus the remapping conversation going forward.
For those just tuning in, the city’s 2012 zoning reforms set off a planning and remapping process that every neighborhood will eventually complete. The Planning Commission has completed its comprehensive Central District Plan, which encompasses most of Bella Vista (the rest is in the South District Plan, just now getting underway.) Now that phase is done, and we begin the remapping phase where we’ll take a really close look at what types of buildings can be built and where, and establish some clearer rules of the road for building new buildings in Bella Vista. The area we’re looking at is bordered by 6th, 11th, Washington, and South.
This is your chance to think long term about the neighborhood’s future, and share your ideas for ensuring that Bella Vista continues to grow as a great place to live, work, and play over the next 10, 20 years and beyond. There will be a whole process of public planning charrettes and meetings over the next year, where you’ll be able to contribute your ideas, and help us come up with a package of changes that, in the final phase, will become a bill introduced by Councilman Squilla.
Please fill out the survey , pass it along to your friends in the neighborhood, and send any other questions or comments to Jon Geeting ( jgeeting@ null ), who is coordinating zoning remapping for BVNA. We will be in touch with news about meetings and opportunities to participate over the next year.